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As you've already known that YouTube is the number one video sharing website where you get to watch other people’s video and also upload yours for others to view. Streaming videos on YouTube can be a bit frustrating when the video keeps buffering in a very slow way. Sometimes, what might cause a video to buffer slowly is the network coverage on your area or some other factors like video quality etc.


Most of you might not want to leave YouTube for other video streaming networks, as YouTube is the best hit amongst others. So, if you wish to make your YouTube videos buffer faster, in such a way that you won’t notice that it’s buffering the video (streaming online like you’re watching videos offline), then the process I’m about to reveal to you will be very helpful.

How to Stream YouTube Videos without Buffering
In this tutorial, I’ll be your guide on how to watch YouTube videos faster using either your Chrome browser or Mozilla firefox.

1. Firstly, download the Smartvideo YouTube extension for Chrome browser or Mozilla firefox, and include the extension to your chrome browser or add to your Mozilla firefox browser. If you’re a firefox user, the setup is automated, so you’ll start streaming video with best streaming quality, for chrome users, follow below procedures.


2. Once you’re done with the chrome installation. Simply go to YouTube and enter the any video you wish to play, and then navigate your mouse cursor in between videos, you should see a small rectangular box that will be popped below the video.

3. On the box, make sure that the “smart buffer” box is checked; you can also go to Global preference and tweak the settings to your taste.

4. That’s it. You can continue your video with high quality streaming level.

That’s it on how to Play YouTube video without buffering… Enjoy!
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